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About Us

Our Beliefs

The members of Cherith Christian Fellowship regard themselves as being part of the whole world-wide Church of Christ which includes all believers. Our beliefs are in accordance with the principles of Scripture.


We accept the supreme authority of Christ and the affairs of this local fellowship are led by a group of Elders and Deacons in accordance with the pattern of the early church, described for us in the New Testament.


  • We believe in the sovereignty and grace of the triune God; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that the Bible is the infallible and inspired Word of God.

  • We believe that all mankind is sinful and deserves the judgement and wrath of God.

  • We believe that God so loved the world that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross at Calvary to take the punishment for our sin.

  • We believe that if we trust in this redemptive work of grace then our sins are forgiven and the Holy Spirit indwells every believer.

  • We believe that one day the Lord Jesus Christ will return in power and glory.

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